Friday, August 22, 2008

Nutritional Solutions for this Generation

I’ve been a regular type of guy when it comes to food. I’ve eaten pretty much anything that anyone has put in front of me. Luckily, I have an active metabolism and I like playing sports so I have stayed quite thin. About ten years ago, however, I became a little more interested in food. Largely, this was due to my dad, who was in his 60s and had similar eating habits to mine, radically changing what he ate. He began eating only raw food. Of course, this became the dominant conversation any time I was around him. He swears that all his ailments disappeared after he started his diet. One day he even realized that he couldn’t see well with his glasses. He took them off and found that he could see better with them off. His eyesight had improved!

One of the most important facts that I discovered relating to his type of diet was that cooking food kills the enzymes and most of the nutrients in the food.

I had to acknowledge that my dad’s new diet was having a powerful effect on his overall wellbeing. I was not willing to make such drastic changes to my own diet though. I really enjoyed eating. I still do. Even so, I did make a few changes. I decided to only eat fruit in the morning and then salad for lunch. Then for supper, I ate anything.

The results were remarkable. I definitely felt a lot better, and I felt a lot more energetic. I also felt like my body was being cleansed.

All of this took place about eight years ago. I have since moved backwards. I still eat only fruit for breakfast, but though I love salads, I got tired of just that for lunch. I have stayed active and healthy but I have realized that I should go back to a healthier diet, especially since I’m now past 45.

I’ve seen many health products and supplements advertised and on the shelves of many stores, but nothing really convinced me. Most supplements were cooked so I believed they had lost most of their nutritional value. Recently, however, I came across a product that was different. It was advertised as live food even though it was in powder form. I discovered that Uri International had found a way of drying their organic fruits and vegetables in just 30 seconds, and they never go over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Just what I was looking for!

I have been taking this daily for about three weeks. I have noticed my body reacting in much the same way as when I consistently ate fruits and vegetables for breakfast and lunch. There is definitely more energy, and I feel like my body is cleaning itself. In general, I just feel better.